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Old 17-Nov-2013, 3:19 AM   #8
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I do not give up and say broadcast Tv can not be received without having the facts , the Tvfool reports.

The Broadcast Tvfool reports please .


The following information is FTA satellite reception information.

Networks and other Tv and Radio providers use FTA as , A Way , to deliver Programing for several reasons , one reason is it can be less money then using the , scrambled service providers.

FTA satellite service is not scrambled , but does require a receiver that receives FTA.

Another reason is FTA service providers can transmit , on short notice.

Another reason is the Networks and other programs Tv and Radio programs want you to receive the Programing for Free.


-->No<-- FTA is not like short wave radio or long wave radio with the signal being strong and then fading out and then back strong again.

The Programing provider / Network can use the FTA service and then stop using the service. That is why the services can come and go.

PBS uses the FTA service All the time.

And some other Programing Tv shows and Networks and audio only (radio) , use FTA all the time.


Countries around the world use FTA because it cost less then singing up with scrambled service providers.

It is a mixed bag of reasons for using FTA.

Receiving FTA satelite services can be likened to an adventure , you go in/on with a open mind and search for Programing to receive.

A service like FTA LIST helps you find Programing to receive.

FTA satelite Tv is not a way to receive all pay cable Tv and pay satellite services for free all the time.

FTA is --> FTA , what is - is , and , what is not - is not.

As to the Network feeds such as , NBC , CBS , and etc. .

Mostly the feeds are of short duration containing the core part of the Programing , with out the commercials.

FTA satellite Tv and Radio is not a service that most people think of as Tv or Radio , FTA is a type and kind of service that requires a greater degree of flexible thinking.

You are not spoon fed mind numbing Programing with FTA , to receive FTA and the Programing , one must actually think.

Last edited by teleview; 17-Nov-2013 at 8:46 PM. Reason: Clarify information and typos.
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