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Old 30-May-2016, 11:09 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 75
preamp with separate VHF/UHF isn't separating bands enough

Ok. So on Saturday I hooked up separate Vhf-Hi and a Uhf antennas for my mother using a RCA TVPRAMP1R pre-amplifier. She picked up 15 channels where before, she only had 2 channels (8.1, 8.2 on real channel 8)which is WGAL, Me-TV. The problem I'm having is that, while she picked up an extra 13 channels, both 8.1 and 8.2 are now heavily pixelated and are her worse channels. I could pick up real channel 8 no matter which way I pointed a single antenna. the problem happened when I combined the two. I'm thinking that the channel 8 signal is so strong that it's still getting through the pre-amp on the Uhf side. For Uhf, I built her a McClapp vertically stacked 8-bay with 9" spacing and 9.5" whiskers. I probably should've built a Uhf only gray-hoverman, but I really didn't expect to have the only Uhf channels come off of an almost 90 degree angle either. I was originally going to try to use the 8-bay for both bands. So, after that lengthy explanation, I was wondering what would be a good way to attenuate real channel 8 out on the Uhf side. I thought about using Vhf/Uhf diplexer before the preamp on the 8-bay and leaving the Vhf side unused. Thought anyone?
Here is the TVFool report, but I'm not sure about the accuracy of it:
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