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Old 16-Mar-2013, 11:09 AM   #5
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 47
I ran all the numbers for my TVFR from 1 ft to 100 and 300 ft.

I agree a 60' tower would not make that much differance but the magic number is way in putting a tower of that size in this location...did consider of a hill top reciever with internet link but have to make arrangements with owner of land plus figuring out if financially worth far for coax run, about 1/4 mile from hill top...PLUS, no internet what-so-ever on this road, only by satilite...only 5 homes on this dirt road about a mile long...
Considered in building my own antenna but the Gray Hoverman's does not seem to be enough gain for me...doing research in the Rhombic antenna's at the moment as I do have 5 acres of space to play with long as our cows don't mind, lol...I am hoping to build an antenna of over 20 to 30 db gain(if possible) if I can find the correct information...I have built antenna's before back in my Ham Radio days 25 years ago so I am no stranger in building a big project...
"Bottom line is, just for now to make the wife happy", I am considering either stacking a few or several 91xg's or trying the DB8e...I plan on facing both sides of the DB8e in the same direction at 291 degrees to see what happens...Want to use the best gain antenna's possible from commercially made companies before I start making my own...No, not interested in WADE antenna's...I am assuming the DB8e was not designed to use with a rotor but might try it anyhow to zero in on signal strength...
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