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Old 24-May-2011, 7:32 PM   #6
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Conover, NC
Posts: 17
So a 4-bay will be fine? I thought I might have alot of trouble getting the Stations that are 45 miles away. That is why I was looking at the 8-bay. Do you think I will need an amplifier? Looking at the info on here, it states that those stations are "2Edge: Double edge diffraction". I might be able to get that to a 1Edge with antenna height. My house is on a sloped property - 1story in the front, 2 story in the back. So it is hard to judge what height I should use for the calculations. The distant stations are off the back of the house at about a 45` angle. I do have alot of tall trees around too. No tall buildings and no tall trees in the direction of the distant stations.

I appreciate the feedback. I am looking to do this mid June. I am the type of person that does ALOT of research before pulling the trigger.
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