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Old 16-Mar-2023, 11:37 PM   #3
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 261
Hey Dagwood:

Thanks for posting this. It's been mighty lonely around here lately. Rabbit73 seems to have left TV Fool sometime back, as no posting from him for a quite a while now. He's hanging with the Super Techs over at AVS Forum. Highly technical "banter" with high end equipment, etc. He did mention in one of his posts that he had fallen off his ladder some time ago, but survived no worse the wear!

As far as your query, my recommendations from what I've read here on TV Fool, would be Antennas Direct or Channel Master. Both make good amps that probably would solve your issue. But, the amp that seems to get the most "thumbs up" is from Kitz:

The one amp you probably don't want to use is from RCA. There have been a lot of quality control issues reported here on the forum.

Anyway, thanks for the "shout out!" Don't be a stranger, as the saying goes.

All the best.....
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