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Old 28-Apr-2019, 2:08 PM   #7
Retired A/V Tech
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Originally Posted by JoeAZ View Post
That top antenna would almost certainly be two antenna's modified into one.
It does look like a custom mod.
I imagine it is NOT very efficient or effective receiving signals 180 degrees apart.
It looks like it would perform about as well as Bob's present system.
I have come up with a much better alternative to receive UHF signals
180 degrees apart. It is much more efficient than removing the reflector.
What is your better alternative that is much more efficient than removing the reflector?

I wish Bob would ask some of the people that are using two antennas aimed in different directions, as shown in his travel photos, how they are combining them.
If you can not measure it, you can not improve it.
Lord Kelvin, 1883
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