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Old 5-Oct-2017, 1:04 AM   #20
Retired A/V Tech
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: S.E. VA
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Welcome back, ckwsp101_tv

I can't comment on your signals because I don't know your location and your tvfool signal report is no longer on the server.

I do, however, have a few comments on the balun replacement.

My favorite outdoor balun was the original Channel Master 94444 balun, which is now hard to find. I tried to order some on eBay, but the sellers kept sending me the new 94444 with the ring terminals, even though their photo showed the original balun.

It's really confusing when Channel Master changes the design but doesn't change the model number. They have done the same thing with the CM7777 preamp, which is now in its 3rd generation.

I finally found a few original baluns and was able to make a comparison between the old and the new 94444. This thread shows my test results:

The other point, which you might already know, is that the two baluns must be in phase. If they are out of phase, the main lobe will split in two with a null between at the aim point. You have to reverse the leads on just one of the baluns to see which is the way that will produce one lobe and an increase in gain.

That's what happens with horizontal stacking; I've never tried it with vertical stacking.
If you can not measure it, you can not improve it.
Lord Kelvin, 1883

Last edited by rabbit73; 5-Oct-2017 at 1:58 AM.
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