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Old 17-Sep-2017, 1:31 AM   #15
Retired A/V Tech
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My house is surrounded by thousands of acres of mature hardwoods, and there are tens of thousands of trees between me and the transmitters
Trees block TV signals.
scroll down to Trees and UHF
Yes, rain tends to make an edgy signal go out. But, and I bet there's a scientific reason for this, when I was on analog the signal came in better when it was raining.
Wet trees block TV signals even worse than dry trees.

With analog TV, the signals just got a little more snowy as they got weaker.

With digital TV, they suddenly drop out at a certain point as they get weaker. This point is called the "Digital Cliff."

The sudden dropout is caused by the FEC (Forward Error Correction system). The FEC is designed to correct the digital signal errors to maintain a good quality picture. As the digital signal gets weaker, there are more and more digital errors. The FEC has a limit to how many errors it can correct. Once that limit is exceeded, the FEC gives up, and the signal drops out.
If you can not measure it, you can not improve it.
Lord Kelvin, 1883

Last edited by rabbit73; 17-Sep-2017 at 1:38 AM.
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