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Old 27-Jun-2017, 12:28 AM   #8
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Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 261
Smile New Channel Master Balun

Thanks rabbit73 for all the good logistics and information! You certainly have given me a lot more intel than I could find with KOCE 50 PBS SoCal here locally.

I tried calling them several times today to find out when they actually will be moving to channel 18. But I could not get even their general operator. Always were helping another caller and please leave a message to receive a call back in 24 hours or so, etc. They have some good programming but customer service and technical issues have always been problematic. I know they rely on volunteers but I've never been able to get a real person on the phone over the years. C'est la vie!

As far as KTTV channel 11 and KCOP channel 13, I'm getting 100% signal levels here on my Samsung meter. But the Mexican border zone issue might effect others and it's good to know for future reference. And no FM interference as far as I can tell. If it ever does, I've some filters that might work.

Otherwise, when I get back on the roof to trim my CM balun, I'll report any findings of improved signal on PBS and KDOC channel 56, but as I previously mentioned, their engineer that I spoke with in the past told me the signal strength I was receiving was as good as it was going to get. But you never know with the mysteries of TV electromagnetic waves, as you have said!

Professor, you are a true gentleman and scholar. I have learned so much from your threads here on TV Fool that I just cannot thank you enough! Bless you sir!

P.S. I've got to figure out how to leave a quote in grayscale like you guys do here for any future posts that I might do. I'm checking the FAQs.
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