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Old 5-Nov-2016, 12:13 PM   #14
Antennas Direct Tech Supp
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 2,942
For some odd reason the FCC Longley-Rice K12LO Coverage Map supports the tvfool report; is it also wrong?
They are mathematical simulations only.

The information missing from the simulation is the ambient background noise level on the channel of interest which, without a field measurement, can only be estimated. The simulations assume that the noise level is -106.2 dBm, the perfect case. Practical experience has shown that the ambient noise level in the high-VHF band may be anywhere from 5 to 20+ dB higher than the assumption. Subtract that from the calculated noise margin and and you'll see why I'm pessimistic about receiving channel 12.

Does that site your using tell you where the sweet spot is?
No. The simulation is dividing the terrain into blocks (pixels, basically) that are anywhere from the size of a third of a football field to the size of several football fields, depending on the resolution chosen to use in the mathematical model.

Try aiming the antenna towards Bigfoot and give it a scan. When reporting results, it's only necessary to name the first channel on a station, listing the sub-channels only clutters up the report with info that doesn't add anything to the technical conversation.
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