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Old 2-Apr-2015, 11:53 AM   #4
Antennas Direct Tech Supp
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 2,942
Aim the DB8e at downtown. You'll likely get the Fox channel 22 translator making the VHF 13 signal unnecessary although it will likely come in anyway at that angle with the DB8e. Keep the RCA in reserve, just in case, and use it as TG recommended if needed.

No preamp is needed or desired, your signals from KBTC are strong enough from that avoiding overload should be a concern.

Your line of sight towards the downtown/QA Hill direction shows as either 1 or 2-edge signal paths. Be prepared to work with the antenna location, both vertically and horizontally, to find a spot where the signals play nice. Do NOT expect that whatever location you pick first as most convenient will work perfectly (be happy if it does, though). Do NOT drill any holes in the roof or house until good reception is CONFIRMED.

While the DB8e is not designed or intended for FM radio, it will certainly pick up the stronger signals. Do try it first before deciding if a dedicated FM antenna is needed. If you reach that point, combine the FM antenna into the downlead using an HLSJ, then us an HLSJ at every TV set or FM radio drop to re-separate the FM from the TV signals.

You can buy a perfectly capable splitter from almost anywhere that sells them. I prefer the IDEAL brand from Home Depot as they perform well, are inexpensive, there's a HD store a mile from my office, and I own 100 shares of HD stock in an IRA account.
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Last edited by ADTech; 2-Apr-2015 at 11:56 AM.
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