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Old 4-Mar-2015, 3:04 PM   #6
GroundUrMast's Avatar
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At first glance, I think the OP was asking how to power two amplifiers via the same coax down-lead... While a DC block would be an element in a theoretical solution, one would have to consider a few additional factors.

1) What are the voltage and current requirements of each amplifier?

2) If the voltage requirement is the same for both, would a single power supply have the continuous output capacity to carry both loads without overheating?

3) If the voltage requirements are not the same, how would you go about stepping down or stepping up the voltage to safely drive each amplifier?

As these cursory questions illustrate, it's almost certain that a custom designed power supply and power insertion/distribution arrangement would be needed. That's not an impossible task, but I would expect such a project to require the skills of someone who has more than a beginning-hobbyists knowledge and experience.

For ease of service and to avoid possible damage to the preamp units, I'd simply run a second RG-6 coax to the attic... from a location that has an available outlet to power the new amp.
If the well is dry and you don't see rain on the horizon, you'll need to dig the hole deeper. (If the antenna can't get the job done, an amp won't fix it.)

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