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Old 27-Jan-2015, 4:02 PM   #8
GroundUrMast's Avatar
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The electrical service drop and other wiring in a typical home or business can emit RFI... A great deal in fact. But it's generally going to have more impact on the VHF bands, particularly the L-VHF band. There may be problems in the UHF band as well, but metal close to any antenna is likely to cause detuning of the antenna and 'skewing' of it's intended polar pattern which can have just as negative effect on reliable reception as RFI.

All that to still say, try moving the antenna, both in the attic and outdoors. What you've got now isn't working to your satisfaction so keep experimenting until you find a location/height combination that produces acceptable results. Your TV Fool report suggests that such a location should be fairly easy to find (at least outdoors).
If the well is dry and you don't see rain on the horizon, you'll need to dig the hole deeper. (If the antenna can't get the job done, an amp won't fix it.)

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