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Old 27-Jan-2015, 2:42 AM   #2
GroundUrMast's Avatar
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I see no reason to use an all channel antenna in this case... Certainly not in the attic. The few L-VHF signals shown on your TVFR are quite weak and probably would not be reliable even with the highest performance L-VHF antenna mounted outdoors clear of obstructions. In this case, the only thing the long element at the rear end of the CM-3016 offer is the ability to receive more interference in the L-VHF and FM bands.

I'd definitely recommend that you avoid the impairments caused by a tile roof which causes problems dry but get even worse when wet. I'd also look for a reasonable way to get over or around obstructing trees. When they're wet and swinging in the wind, they're really good at causing changes to the RF propagation which most tuners simply can't adjust for fast enough to maintain a lock on the signal. You're right, this a form of multipath interference.

I'd start with moving the existing antenna outside... no need to spend money on a new antenna yet. If you can not find a satisfactory location/aim point outside, then we can try several other steps. Adding a 10 dB or even 20 dB pad would be one of the steps to consider.

If I moved in next door, you'd no doubt see an Antennas Direct DB2E and an Antennacraft Y5713 (or possibly the Y10713) above my roof. The signal levels are so strong that any amplifier would be expected to cause trouble due to overloading/distortion. If there are nearby FM transmitters, an FM filter/trap would be indicated.
If the well is dry and you don't see rain on the horizon, you'll need to dig the hole deeper. (If the antenna can't get the job done, an amp won't fix it.)

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