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Old 16-Nov-2014, 10:34 PM   #92
Retired A/V Tech
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In earlier testing, yes I believe I found that to be the case. Ranking them I would put TV, Tivo Roamio, DVR+. The Roamio was a clear step above the DVR+ in the tuner category (and feature category for that matter).
Thank you for confirming my evaluation.
Tivo support isn't going to be of any help either.
I agree. Can you get any help from other Roamio users on
(I believe my camera makes the files too large),
Many image editors will reduce file size. I use the ZoomBrowser software that came with my Canon camera. This site allows jpg attachments up to 500 KB, 1024 x 1024. I try to stay under 200K unless fine detail is needed, 800 wide.
I appreciated them narrowing things down so much!
Do I detect a hint of sarcasm there?

Looking forward to your attenuator tests, with hopes of making your signals more acceptable to the Roamio.

Last edited by rabbit73; 16-Nov-2014 at 11:41 PM.
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