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Old 16-Nov-2014, 10:07 PM   #91
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Posts: 147
When you connected the antenna directly to the TV, it didn't seem to have any trouble with the signals, but both DVRs did. That tells me that the TV tuner can tolerate less-than-perfect signals which the DVR tuners are not able to do because they are more particular and fussy about the signals than the TV.

In earlier testing, yes I believe I found that to be the case. Ranking them I would put TV, Tivo Roamio, DVR+. The Roamio was a clear step above the DVR+ in the tuner category (and feature category for that matter).

Tivo support isn't going to be of any help either. When asking about the RS Corrected and RS Uncorrected with them today, they told me you want both to be 0 and anything that shows up in RS Uncorrected is beyond the ability of the Tivo Roamio to fix. When I pressed for what could cause the unfixable errors I was told it "could be any number of things including bad coax." I appreciated them narrowing things down so much!

Last edited by mulliganman; 16-Nov-2014 at 10:09 PM.
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