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Old 9-Oct-2014, 11:02 AM   #4
Antennas Direct Tech Supp
Join Date: Jan 2010
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The Seattle stations are almost 120 miles away over water. Expecting to receive them reliably 24/7/365 in Vancouver is not realistic unless you are prepared to incorporate extreme and extraordinary measures. Even then, perhaps, perhaps not.

VHF 13 might be receivable semi-reliably with perhaps a pair of 10-element high-VHF Yagi antennas in an array along with a carefully selected pre-amp. Your reception would still be at the mercy of the atmospheric propagation conditions over the Sound which will vary with the time of day, localized weather, and seasonal factors. I would not expect it to be seen, except very sporadically, by the unity gain dipole on the C2V. One factor not included in the TVFool calculations is the elevated noise floor in the VHF band, especially in urban and suburban locations, which usually requires more signal power so as to achieve the required SNR needed for digital reception.

My purpose isn't to dissuade you (I tend to be very conservative on my estimates) but to give you a realistic sense of what might be done with sufficient motivation and resources. There is an active forum over at that will address your local area. I'd suggest lurking there for a bit and then ask others in your area what they've done that has worked or not.
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