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Old 18-May-2014, 8:10 PM   #39
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 54
Update: So after having received the DB8e, the Y10-7-13, the RCA TVPRAMP1R and the wall mount, I installed everything and was surprised at the outcome. I lost several stations and the ones I had were not doing very well even though the antenna setup was done properly. Being exhausted I left everything alone for a couple weeks till I could diagnose the problem.

Then yesterday I lowered the antenna and hooked up the down lead straight to the DB using a test tv at the base of the pole and was pleasantly surprised at the reception it had. Then I took the lead and attached it to the Y10 and again was pleased with the signals it was receiving. Then as I had surmised the culprit was the RCA Amp. I took it off and put my old HDP269 on and HOLY SIGNAL BATMAN! Needless to say I am extremely happy now. All my tv's have more than ample signal to enjoy trouble free reception.

Now instead of putting the Y10 on top I elected to put the DB on top and the Y10 below it. The DB's top is about 38' and the Y10 is about 31'. The one sin I probably made was I didn't have another UVSJ so I used a combiner to join the UHF and VHF antennas before running them into the preamp. So far I can't see any reason to pull it down and fix that.

I just wanted to thank everyone who made the suggestions and helped me out.

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