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Old 14-Apr-2014, 8:27 PM   #8
Posts: n/a

If the Tv transmitters are in the direction of the pictures that has what looks like a Big light tan colored building in the back ground.

Then leave the satellite mount on the side of the pole in the picture.

Moving satellite mount to the other side of the pole so that the Tv antenna is aimed more into the tree in the direction of reception is not the correct action to take.

As always , trees and tree leaves , plants and plant leaves , have a Negative Effect on Broadcast Tv reception and so do buildings and other obstructions including your own roof and building.

The Best Practice for Reliable Reception is install the antenna at a location that has the least amount to no amount of obstructions of any type or kind in the direction/s of reception.

Last edited by teleview; 15-Apr-2014 at 12:28 AM. Reason: Clarify information and typos.
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