Thread: FM reception
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Old 27-Nov-2013, 3:23 PM   #3
Antennas Direct Tech Supp
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 2,942
FMFool operates differently from TVFool as far as sharing your analysis. Can't just link to it, you have to work with the image of the report. See where it says "FM channels (save image)" you'll have to use that feature to share the data.

Additionally, it appears that FMFool's geo-coding functions is not working, so you you'll need to input coordinates instead.

Standard RG6 coaxial cable is almost always satisfactory for FM signal distribution except in extenuating circumstances. It is very rare that you actually NEED QS cable although it can certainly be used.

FM tends to penetrate most building signals quite well. As long as you don't have a metal roof or radiant barrier insulation, an attic would usually work well enough unless you're in a weak signal area to start with.
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