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Old 9-Nov-2013, 4:43 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 43
Very Very odd problem

I am having an issue and I can not figure out what is going on.

My setup:
Mohu Sky HD on roof down to Mohu power injector (for the built-in amp) in basement, to A/B switch, to distribution amp, to 4-way splitter. I have a 2013 LG TV in the livingroom on the same side of the house as where the line comes in, and a 2013 Sanyo TV, & 2009 Sony TV on the opposite side of the house. All 3 TV's have individual lines from their coax jack to the splitter in the basement.

The Problem:
In my bedroom and den I can pull in VHF-12 perfectly fine with the Sanyo & Sony, or both at the same time. When I turn on my LG however, VHF-12 drops instantly for the Sony & Sanyo when they are tuned into the station. If I turn the LG back off the station will return at a strong signal almost instantly for them!

I originally thought the LG TV being turned on was doing something to the home's coax lines so I unplugged the coax from the LG's livingroom wall jack. HERE IS WHERE IT GETS WEIRD. The problem still occurred even with the LG tv's coax unplugged!

The symptoms were the exact same and I have been able to reproduce this problem consistently for the past two nights. Does anyone have the slightest idea what could be going on? Is the LG TV somehow sending interference not through the coax but through the home's power lines? I have even tried putting it on two different grounded surge protectors. I tried simplifying my setup in the basement and just plugging the Sony directly into the Mohu power injector and still when that LG tv is on VHF-12 drops though the LG is only connected to power at that point.

One thing to note, that if the bedroom / den TV is tuned into most any UHF station the problem does not happen and all TV's receive signals just fine. This only happens when one or both of the far tv's (Sony & Sanyo) are tuned into one of the two UHF stations in my area, 12 & 13. Also worth noting, with only the LG tv on it can not pick up VHF-12 & 13 though the others can just fine (when the LG is off)

Here is my tv fool report but I have a feeling my problem lies someplace else.

Any help you can offer is great!
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