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Old 18-Sep-2013, 6:23 AM   #15
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 11
I thank you all for pitching in on this. I am getting to wit's end trying to get a working setup. I am on my second "trial" antenna. This time I am running an Antennacraft HBU55. I have tried it by itself and mixed with my old antenna that I've had up there since Jesus was a child. I have tried the 10G202 preamp as well as the CM7777. Some items I can return for cash back if they don't work, but I'm getting tired of throwing money around like I actually have some. My current setup is pointing the old antenna SE for RF 48 and the HBU55 to the SW for 10, 13, and 35. 19 is close enough that heading doesn't really matter. After the antennas are combined into a single lead it runs through the CM7777 preamp and then about 50 feet into the house. There it runs through a 4 way distribution amp, and it does seem to work better running through it rather than just a 4 way splitter. I get at least 75% signal across everything EXCEPT 35. It is ridiculous that I can't get a lock on this channel. I am about ready to say **** it and just get my money back on everything I've spent it on.
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