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Old 20-Apr-2013, 12:07 PM   #10
Antennas Direct Tech Supp
Join Date: Jan 2010
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The lack of reception is, in my opinion, due to a likely mistake in the re-use of the satellite cabling. Dish Network it seems, almost always installs a multi-switch in the system which, if not removed, will ALWAYS block TV antenna signals, Directv, depending on the age of the installation may or may not have used on.

Your bet immediate step is to proceed as I suggested above BEFORE deciding to return the C2V. Without any data from its performance, I'd simply suggest a bull-blown system of a C4/C5/PA18 to install to see if reception is there. That's a lot of time, money, ad effort that may or may not be needed, so, please, go get a temporary coaxial cable and make a temporary connection only to the Emerson and give it a scan. RG6 is ubiquitous, you can even get it at WalMart, KMart, Sears, or any hardware or home center.

Don't get carried away with experimenting with small elevation changes in the TVFool simulation software. When a location's signal path is over sharply changing terrain, the software averages the terrain into 100 square meter blocks making any effort at precision in the antenna height or its location relatively meaningless. Your only true indication of reception prospects is to successfully hook up an antenna and to test actual reception, at task that has not yet been completed.

When an antenna is situated on the immediate "back" side of a hill, the signals are often far weaker than forecasted, sometimes completely absent. That's why antenna siting relative to the surrounding terrain can become critical. That often leads to one of the FAQs here: "How high does the antenna need to be?" There is no better answer than "As high as it needs to be in order to be placed in the path of the incoming signals." Unfortunately, it usually not possible to provide a specific number as every installation is different due to the surroundings and the signal path.
Please attempt to resolve the concerns about the cabling so that you can give the C2V a valid test before it goes back to the store.
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