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Old 8-Apr-2013, 2:22 AM   #2
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 42
Hi Herb welcome to the forum. I am far from being an expert and there are by far alot more knowledgable people on this sit then me. It looks to me like most of your stations are in one general area and are LOS which is good. I am using the Antennas Direct DB4E which says it has a range of 65+ miles. This is supposed to be only a UHF antenna but I can get high VHF with it too. The other thing about this antenna is it has a 60 degree front and back beam with. If you are interested in the VHF channels they have 2 options either get a dipole VHF addon antenna and a combiner or the Clearstream C5 which has a 70 degree beam with and a 70 mile range. Depending how dense the tree coverage is. If really dense there is the 91xg Uhf antenna 25 degree beam with and a 70 mile range or the DB8E both have high db gains and should do a good job thru the trees. Like I said I am far from being an expert.

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