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Old 16-Sep-2012, 4:36 PM   #25
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 15
Well, lets recap what he said shall we?

This recommendation is based on the tvfool Current Plus Pending Applications Included for Digital Tv stations and channels.

Install a Winegard HD7000R antenna with a Winegard AP8700 preamp aimed at about 315 degree magnetic compass.
Here is how to aim antennas,

With the HD7000R antenna aimed at about 315 degree magnetic compass the English language Tv stations/channels in the Green and Yellow reception zones of the tvfool radar plot report will be received.

With the HD7000R aimed at 315 degree , some Religion and Spanish and other language channels may not be received.

If you will like to receive more religion and other language channels , will require more then one antenna and coax cables.

My recommendation is to start with the HD7000R antenna system install , it is simple.

And more can be added later.

Yes the coax wiring that is in place now can be used.

For splitters I recommend , , also available at

For one Tv connected use no splitter.

For 2 Tv's connected use a HFS-2D , 2 way splitter.

For 3 Tv's connected use a HFS-3D , 3 way splitter.

For 4 Tv's connected use a HFS-3D , 4 way splitter.

Are you discontinuing and disconnecting U-Verse and sattelite service Completely??

So I went with his recommendation to start with the antenna, splitter and have discontinued U-VERSE, these were his recommendations to start as he said more can be added later, so it's later and I am asking about the preamp, did I miss something?

Tv antennas like elbow room. CHECK
Tv antennas like the least amount to no obstructions. CHECK
Tv antennas like to be free and clear to receive Tv transmissions.CHECK

Mount the Tv antenna so that the Tv antenna clears the high point of the house roof and clears the solar panels.

So again, after googling, rereading these post, I'm asking, is it worth the extra $35 or so to buy and install the preamp, if my question is out of line or seems ignorant, I didnt mean to be out of line, the ignorance may just come natural, though I tried to research myself
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