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Old 26-Apr-2010, 3:43 PM   #5
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 49
Originally Posted by rlrobinhood View Post
Hi guys,

Sorry it took so long to get back. I had to borrow a friends GPS unit to get my coordinates. I actually live between two towns, Chester and Joplin. I put my coordinates in the TVFOOL Report and it is attached.

Tower Guy mentioned a preamplifier and not getting power, etc. I'm pretty stupid when it comes to this stuff, so you'll have to baby step me through it. I'd assume that whatever that box thing is, it doesn't work. Its pretty old.

The antenna may/maynot work. I don't know if they go bad over time or what.

So, with all this being said, what do I need to improve my current channels (those listed by Tigerbangs) and what can I do to get a Fox channel? In the attached report, I see that there is a channel 45 (FOX) to the south.

Thanks again Tower Guy and Tigerbangs!!
The antenna looks fine from the picture. As others have mentioned, the Blonder-Tongue preamp is probably not getting any power.

As a start, before you go out and buy a new preamp, try connecting your balun to the same screw terminals as the lead-in from the antenna. This will effectively bypass the antenna. (It would be even better to connect it to the antenna, and forget about the leadin. Don't do that yet, as you may end up having to reuse the leadin to connect to a new preamplifier in the future..)

Let us know if the pictrure

Last edited by tvlurker; 26-Apr-2010 at 5:21 PM.
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