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Old 22-Aug-2011, 10:57 PM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 9
Looking for the best antenna for me.

Here is my TV Fool Report

I currently have Antenna's Direct DB8 with an amp. I am currently have it pointed about 129° and I get the following channels with these signal strengths.

2.1 - 60% - 65% and some times 0%
6.1 - 60% - 63%
22.1 - 72% - 74% Strongest channel I have
28.1 - 0% - I used to get this channel
34.1 - 64% - 65% - This channel isn't even on TV Fool Report. I see it on (ION) Channel Real Channel #34 @ 128°.

I need to know what is the best antenna I can get to get These channels in better reception and I need to pick up 4.1 (ABC). I see there is one on Channel 9 (KXMN). It is in the line of site of 128°-130° area. The one listed on channel 13 is at 105° and in the wrong direction.

I live in the mountains of NE Washington about 60 miles NW of Spokane. If it helps I am about 2700'-2800' Elevation and I also have a great line of site of 130°.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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