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Old 28-Jul-2011, 4:46 PM   #3
GroundUrMast's Avatar
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There are a few antennas with a bit more gain than the DB-8 and yes, trees absorb RF. However, when I look at the general area indicated by your LAT/LON coordinates, I can see that terrain is far more a factor than a few trees. An antenna such as the DB-8 is primarily a UHF antenna, in locations where there are stong VHF signals present, the DB-8 may be satisfactory. Your situation is not one where I would expect reliable reception of VHF channels using an antenna designed for UHF frequencies.

Have you set a budget for this project?

There are some theoretical options, technically feasible, but requiring an investment of time, money, effort and possibly working with your neighbors.
If the well is dry and you don't see rain on the horizon, you'll need to dig the hole deeper. (If the antenna can't get the job done, an amp won't fix it.)

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Last edited by GroundUrMast; 28-Jul-2011 at 10:22 PM.
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