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danl 24-Jul-2010 10:41 PM

Antenna Recommendation
Hey I am new to the board and antennadom. I have review FAQs and some of the sub forums and think I need an attic antenna without amp. I have looked at a few antennas online but not sure which would be best. I would appreciate any recommendations for antenna based on signal analysis at following link

Sorry for the post in the wrong sub forum



John Candle 24-Jul-2010 11:01 PM

link is not working. . and

danl 24-Jul-2010 11:19 PM

Hey John, let try to correct the link:

I currently have an in attic antenna with amp an have removed all splitters.

I get most of the local stations but they freeze quiet often.

I am hoping to get all stations without any freezing.


Dave Loudin 25-Jul-2010 3:05 AM

Holy cow! You have VERY strong signals! All you should need is a $3.99 set of rabbit ears/ loop antenna from Radio Shack and you should get all the channels in the green section of the table in your report. Under no circumstances should you use any sort of amplifier!

Note that the top two signals have their NM highlighted in red. This is a warning that they are so strong that they can easily overload your tuner. The freezing you see is caused by either your tuner overloading or by strong reflections that can "confuse" ( for lack of a better term) your receiver.

If channels still freeze with the rabbit ear/loop antenna, try the Terk HDTVi. It can discriminate between reflected signals better than a loop can.

Good luck!

John Candle 25-Jul-2010 7:36 AM

No amplifiers of any kind for you. . By removing all splitters you made the signal even stronger. . Overload. Big Time . . . A popular Urban Myth is amplifiers are needed with digital tv. This is opposite of the truth. Here is the truth---> The only time a amplifier is used with digital tv is when the signal is very weak. The reason that amplifiers are pushed in advertising antennas is , M , O , N , E , Y .

John Candle 25-Jul-2010 11:34 PM

At read and watch the video on double rescan

mtownsend 26-Jul-2010 7:21 PM


Originally Posted by danl (Post 2160)
I currently have an in attic antenna with amp an have removed all splitters.

Can the amp be completely removed from your setup or is it built-in to the antenna?

The signals on your chart are probably too strong for any amp to handle, so you should avoid using anything with an amp in it.

The Terk HDTVi suggested by Dave Loudin is a great place to start because it's about as good as it gets for small "set-top" type antennas that do not have a built-in amp (avoid the HDTVa version that includes an amp).

It's possible that even with an un-amplified antenna, the signals might still be too strong for your receiver to handle. In that case, you may need to add a signal attenuator (like this one) to bring down the signal levels even further.

If switching to an un-amplified antenna makes your channels more stable, then it's a good indication that amp-overload was your problem.

If channels are still breaking up or if many channels are still missing, then you may be dealing with a multipath issue. Multipath is a situation where the signal is reaching you via multiple paths (like reflections off of other buildings, walls, hills, etc.). Since the length of each path is different, these multiple copies of signal going into receiver look like delayed "echoes" of the signal that interfere with reception. In the days of analog television, these would show up as "ghosts" on your TV, but with digital television, these "echoes" can make it difficult for the receiver to lock onto the digital data stream. If the data is decoded correctly, you get a perfect picture (no "ghosts"), and if the data cannot be decoded, you get discontinuities in your picture (picture break-up and/or dropouts).

Multipath can be the most severe with indoor and attic antenna installations because there is more "stuff" that can bounce signals around before it reaches your antenna. If your problem is being caused by multipath, the best defense against it is to find a low-multipath location for the antenna (i.e., relocating it, maybe even moving it on to the roof), and to use a directional antenna. A "directional" antenna will do a better job of ignoring signals coming in from the sides, top, bottom, or back, so the severity of the multipath as seen by your receiver is much less.

I suggest taking this one step at a time. Try a simple passive antenna first and see if it makes any difference. The process of elimination will help identify the problem(s) and find the best solution for your situation.

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